Privacy Policy

As part of the care and support we provide we are required to process personal data about those employed at Landermeads, the family members that come to live here and, in some cases, the relatives or friends of the family members.  Processing may involve collecting, recording, organising, studying, sharing or destroying information.

Landermeads is committed to being transparent on how we process personal information.  This information is set out in this privacy notice.

If you have any concerns or questions you can contact us via our contact us page.

Types of personal information and data that we hold: 

There are two categories of personal information and what we hold about you will vary depending on your connection to Landermeads i.e whether you are an employee, a family member or a relative of a family member:

Standard personal information including:

  • Contact information (name, username, address, email address, phone numbers etc)
  • Country of residence, age, date of birth, national identifiers (e.g. passport number, NIN)
  • Employment information
  • Details of any contact with the individual (e.g. any complaints or incidents)
  • Financial details (e.g. details about payments or bank details)
  • Information on how you use Landermeads as a service

Special categories of information including:

  • Information about physical or mental health and well-being
  • Information about race, ethnic origin and religion
  • Information about any criminal convictions and offences

How data is collected

Personal information may be collected by Landermeads from the following ways:

  • Through individual contact with us including by phone, email, fax, website, filling out application forms or other forms, social media or by face-to-face contact
  • From relatives or someone acting on a family members behalf
  • From other healthcare professionals or agencies including hospitals, clinics, GPs, previous healthcare placements
  • Sources which are made available to the public, for example the edited electoral register or social media
  • Previous employers

Reasoning for processing data

We do this so we can provide high-quality care and support in addition for us to be able to carry out our employer obligations effectively.  By law, we must have a lawful reason for processing personal information. We process standard personal information if this is:

  • necessary to perform, fulfil or enter into a contract
  • necessary in our, the individual’s or a third parties’ legitimate interests
  • We have a legal obligation to do so under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 or Mental Capacity Act 2005.

We process special category information if:

  • It is necessary for the purposes of preventive or occupation medicine – for example to assess if an individual is fit to work, for medical diagnosis, to provide health or social care or treatment, to manage healthcare or social care systems
  • It is necessary to establish, make or defend legal claims
  • It is necessary for the purposes of preventing or detecting an unlawful act
  • It is necessary for a purpose designed to protect the public against dishonesty, malpractice or other seriously improper behaviour – for example for investigations responding to a safeguarding concern.
  • It is in the public interest in line with any laws that apply
  • It is information which the individual has made public
  • It is necessary due to social security and social protection law (generally this would be in safeguarding instances)
  • We are required to provide data to our regulator, the Care Quality Commission (CQC), as part of our public interest obligations

Landermeads has obtained your specific permission. This only applies to special category information if there is no other legal information to process it. It will always be made clear to the individual to ask for permission and they hold the right to withdraw that permission.

Specified purposes

Landermeads will ensure that any data collected for a specified purpose will not be permitted to be used in another way, for example we will never sell family member or employee data to third parties or share it unless legally obliged to do so or without prior, individual consent. Below are listed examples of justification of why specific information is collected and processed:

Employee’s Data

Types of data:

  • Basic details and contact information including name, address, date of birth, National Insurance Number, next of kin
  • Financial details so that Landermeads can provide pay, insurance, pension and tax details
  • Training and supervision records
  • Health and social care data which could include physical and mental health data – only where necessary – for example fit to work notes or data in order to claim statutory maternity pay
  • Criminal record data (DBS)
  • We may also record data about race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or religion if applicable within the use of third parties for equality monitoring purposes

Where may this data be shared:

  • Landermeads requires this specific data and is collected from or shared with:
  • The employed individual or legal representative
  • Third parties including:
  • HMRC
  • NMDS (Skills for Care dataset system)
  • SAGE (payroll system)
  • Planday (our rota system
  • Our pension scheme (NEST)
  • Organisations we have a legal obligation to share information with, for example the CQC or Safeguarding
  • The police or law enforcement agencies if required by law or court order
  • Office for National Statistics

We do this face to face, via phone, via email, via our website, via post, via application forms, via apps

Specific reasons for processing this data:

  • In order to provide a safe and professional service
  • This Data is required so employees can be contacted, paid and to ensure they receive the correct training and support in order to perform their job.
  • Landermeads has a legal obligation under UK employment laws
  • Landermeads is required to do so in our performance of a public task
  • It is necessary due to social security and social protection law (DBS checks on employees)
  • It is necessary for us to process requests for sick pay, maternity pay and other like circumstances
  • We have a legitimate interest in processing your data e.g. we provide data about your training to Skills for Care’s Adult Workforce Data Set, this allows Skills for Care to produce reports about workforce planning
  • Landermeads is required to provide data to the Care Quality Commission as part of our public interest obligations

Family Member’s Data

Types of data:

  • Basic details and contact information for example name, date of birth, next of kin
  • Financial details for example how care payments or funding is arranged
  • Health and social care data including both physical and mental health information
  • Details about life history, religious or spiritual beliefs and preferences

Where may this data be shared:

  • The family member themselves or legal representatives
  • Third parties including:
  • Other parts of the health care system such as hospitals, GPs, the pharmacy, social workers, CCGs and other healthcare professionals
  • The local authority
  • Organisations we have a legal obligation to share information with, for example the CQC or Safeguarding
  • The police or other law enforcement agencies if required by law or court order

We do this face to face, via phone, via email, via our website, via post, via application forms, via apps

Specific reasons for processing this data:

  • This data is required for us to provide the highest quality, safest, person centred care to all of our family members
  • Landermeads is required to do so in our performance of a public task
  • Landermeads is required to do so in order to fulfil a contract we have
  • Landermeads has a legal obligation to do so – generally under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 or the Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • It is necessary due to social security and social protection law – generally this would be in safeguarding instances
  • Landermeads is required to provide data to the CQC as part of public interest obligations.

Data held for Relatives / Friends and Emergency Contacts

Types of data

  • Basic next of kin details and contact information – for example name and address
  • Power of Attorney Details

Where may this data be shared with:

  • The individual themselves or legal representatives
  • Third parties including:
  • Other parts of the health care system such as Hospitals, GPs, the pharmacy, social workers, CCGs and other healthcare professionals
  • The local authority
  • The police or other law enforcement agencies if required by law or court order

We do this face to face, via phone, via email, via our website, via post, via application forms, via apps

Specific reasons for processing this data:

  • As Landermeads has a legitimate interesting in holding next of kin and lasting power of attorney information about family members
  • To provide employees with emergency contact details

Optional sharing of Data

There may be times where we are approached by other third parties for research purposes.  As and when these occasions arise, we will be in contact with you initially giving you the opportunity to accept or decline the research.  If you choose to take part, this will then involve completing a consent form provided by the research provider.

We will never disclose any personal information to another company without prior consent.

How long we keep personal information

We ensure that we should only keep personal information for as long as we require and is based upon periods of time set out by law (8 years for family members here at Landermeads) or recommended by regulatory professional bodies or associations. We should ensure that any personal data we no longer require is removed and securely destroyed.

Any manual records which are no longer required should be shredded by hand at Landermeads or placed in a shredding storage bag which is kept locked away when unattended in the main office until collected and disposed of by ShredAll, a reputable shredding company.

Individual Rights

The GDPR sets out individual’s rights which Landermeads complies with:

  • Right to be informed – this is to ensure we are being transparent in the way we process data and we promote this through this privacy policy
  • Right of subject access – to request a copy of the data which we keep about you
  • Right to rectification of inaccurate information – to ask Landermeads to correct any information which is believed to be inaccurate
  • Right to erasure – You have the right to ask that we erase any of your personal data which is no longer necessary for the purpose we originally collected it for. We retain our data in line with the Information Governance Alliance’s guidelines (
  • Right to restriction processing – to request that we restrict processing if we no longer need the data for the specified purposes it was originally collected for, but you do not want it to be erased
  • Right to object – giving individuals the right to object to the processing of their personal data for certain circumstances, for example if their data is being used to direct marketing, and consent was previously given you have the right to object and ask us to stop this.
  • Right in relation to automated decisions – applying only if automated decision making is used to process data. Landermeads does not use automated decision making.

Individuals have the right to request that Landermeads erases data on them in the following circumstances:

  • It is no longer necessary for Landermeads to hold that data for its specified original purpose
  • The individual wishes to withdraw their consent to Landermeads holding and processing the data
  • The individual objects to Landermeads holding and processing their personal data – and there is no overriding legitimate interest to allow Landermeads to continue to do so
  • The data has been processed unlawfully
  • The data needs to be erased in order for Landermeads to comply with a particular legal obligation

All requests for erasure should be complied with unless Landermeads has reasonable or legitimate grounds to refuse. You may need to provide adequate information for our staff to be able to identify you, e.g. a passport or driver’s licence.  This is to make sure that data is not shared with the wrong person inappropriately.  We will always respond to your request as soon as possible and at the latest within 1 month (allowing for 2 months for complex cases).

How to Obtain Information

Ros Heath – Registered Manager – 07876 681144 /

Lisa Haywood – Office Manager – 0115 9683888 /

Right to Complain

If you would like to complain about how we have dealt with your request for erasure or how we have handled data about you generally , you can contact the ICO:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

Contact us to arrange a viewing or find out more.


We are all vulnerable at times

Coming to live in one of our houses or supported living can mean leaving behind the things which have made us secure.

We believe that quality of life comes from understanding our shared vulnerability and working together as a family in which we celebrate who you are.

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