We are a small house supporting you if you are living with dementia
We are a small house supporting just 8 people. If you are living with dementia and find that a smaller house is preferable come and see us in Stoppard House. Our house is warm, cosy and thrives on a quieter and more relaxed environment with a small team who know you well. If you feel we want a little more action you are always welcome in Lander House or any of the other houses to join in their social activities.
Our aim is to make you feel at home, loved and valued for who you are – we take time to find out about your history, what you have enjoyed doing, what line of work you were in, how many children you have or any other life events which have shaped you and weave that into your reality now so you don’t lose your identity but bring its richness to our family.
More about our approachWe all need to feel loves, valued, heard
The highest possible rating consistently awarded
We create a home with comfort as a priority
We live and work together - there are no barriers between staff and family
When you walk into Stoppard House the first thing you will see is our kitchen area with a homely table set with either the meal of the day or occupation of the moment. It’s like being at home and daily life will revolve around this family area in which things are shared between you and the staff. Adjacent to this we have a cosy living room in which you can relax, have a massage, watch a film or simply chat. We have our own outdoor area which is open all of the time so you will never feel trapped and can go our for a wander or fresh air at any time.
We are a nursing home and have qualified nurses on duty 24 hours a day. We have a policy of ‘growing our own’ – this means that we identify staff who understand our ethos and have a passion for what they do and we support them through their nursing. This means that they offer clinical expertise balanced with an understanding of the emotional impacts of living with dementia. Our existing nurses also have specialist degrees in Frailty. We have students on placement throughout the year from three local universities.
Our wider team – including support staff, maintenance, domestic, catering and laundry – all receive mandatory training in the importance of Quality of Life and how to change the moment so you live well.
We work alongside outside services such as GPs, Dementia Outreach, Primary Integrated Services, Speech and Language Therapy, OTs and Physiotherapists to ensure that we access any support you need.
All of us are on a journey and it is important that, as we approach the end of our life, we have the opportunity to both live and die well. While our vibrant community promotes community involvement and meaningful occupation, we also care about respecting the dignity of the dying process both for you and your loved ones.
We will work with you and your loved ones to create an advance care plan so we know how you would like to be supported and can make it happen the way you choose. When the time comes, you are in charge and your advance care plan helps us to make sure you are surrounded by the people you love, in an environment in which you are comfortable and kept pain free
We are in the process of gaining the Gold Standards Accreditation, a national recognition of quality end of life support.
Helen Rain, Clinical Lead Nurse – helen@landermeads.com / helen.rain1@nhs.net / 0115 9256996
I moved to Nottingham from the North East of England when I was 18 years old to undertake nurse training and I have been a registered nurse since 2001 when I qualified as a Registered Nurse Learning Disabilities.
I wanted to be a nurse for as long as I can remember. I was very actively involved in the St John Ambulance from 12 years of age. I did many active duties with them including supporting at football matches, working with the army cadets to be involved with emergency services critical incident planning and practices, voluntary working in care homes to enhance peoples quality of life and many other duties. When I left school I undertook a BTEC Health Studies Course and had many placements in hospitals and care homes as well as spending extensive time volunteering at Respite Holiday Centres for Adults with Disabilities. All of these things helped prepare me for the Nursing Course and my career so far.
Since qualifying as a nurse I have worked in many settings and undertaken a number of different roles before coming to Landermeads almost 8 years ago now. In this time I have progressed from a Registered Nurse to the Clinical Lead Nurse for the Lander House and Stoppard House families.
I have a passion for person centred care and enhancing quality of life. I will always fight for the underdog and am not afraid to challenge other professionals if something isn’t right.
Michelle Sills, House Leader – michelle@landermeads.com / michelle.sills@nhs.net / 0115 9256996
I have been with the Landermeads family since 1987 and during this time I have worked in all areas over the years. I completed a Level 5 in Management in 2010 to take on the role of House Leader in Lander House and Stoppard House.
I know how precious life is and have a passion for people and believe that ‘Life is for Living’ and that everyone should live well, regardless of age, time or a diagnosis.
I have a real passion for supporting people living with dementia and was actively involved in the changes we made ten years ago and have seen and believe in the impact we can make on quality of life. I continue to drive a team that is also passionate and committed to meaningful support.
Clinical Lead Nurse
House Leader
Coming to live in one of our houses or supported living can mean leaving behind the things which have made us secure.
We believe that quality of life comes from understanding our shared vulnerability and working together as a family in which we celebrate who you are.