We are a warm and welcoming family home and aspire to provide you with quality support if you are a younger adult aged between 18-65 and are living with a learning disability or have complex needs
Here in Catherine Tam House we support you if you are aged 18-65 years old and live with multiple and profound learning disabilities, neurological conditions or acquired brain injury. We strive to provide holistic emotionally led support ensuring that we promote what you can do, enhancing your quality of life and providing you opportunities to live your life to your full potential.
We offer nurse led support for a range of health needs and conditions such as epilepsy, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy feeding, diabetes, continence, and other genetic and hereditary conditions.
We embrace you as a character and are skilled in positive behaviour support around behaviours of concern.
We regularly draw on support from a variety of specialist health care professionals and organisations, such as nutritional teams, dietitians, SALT, tissue viability, epilepsy nurses and neurologists.
We also have a dedicated staff team who promote occupation, activities and outings for all of our family members, ensuring your individual interests, aspirations and ambitions are met in a way that suits, both in house and in the community.
More about our approachWe all need to feel loved, valued, heard
The highest rating possible, consistently awarded
Designed around you
We live and work together as a family
We are a nurse led service offering you excellence in clinical support as well as promoting your quality of life.
We can be loud! Busy! Vibrant and unique! We embrace diversity and individuality and have genuine love for all our family members.
We achieve this by celebrating our differences and welcoming our commonalities! We have regular themed activities within the home highlighting areas such as Pride and a wide range of cultural and religious landmarks. We plan weekly day trips out tailored around your interests which include trips to local parks, swimming, shopping centres and festivals as well as daily activities in house.
Each day we have ‘ME Time’ – this is one hour dedicated 1:1 time with one family member.
We also celebrate one family member each week – during that week each day is dedicated to an activity meaningful to you.
We can also be chilled, quiet and relaxed in our sensory room, sensory bathroom and enjoy massages from our massage therapist who visits us weekly.
We are a nursing home and have qualified nurses on duty 24 hours a day. We have a policy of ‘growing our own’ – this means that we identify staff who understand our ethos and have a passion for what they do and we support them through their nursing. This means that they offer clinical expertise balanced with an understanding of the emotional impacts of living with dementia. Our existing nurses also have specialist degrees in Frailty. We have students on placement throughout the year from three local universities.
Our wider team – including support staff, maintenance, domestic, catering and laundry – all receive mandatory training in the importance of Quality of Life and how to change the moment so you live well.
We work alongside outside services such as GPs, Dementia Outreach, Primary Integrated Services, Speech and Language Therapy, OTs and Physiotherapists to ensure that we access any support you need.
Catherine Tam House is your home but we also want you to feel like you have a part in your local community.
We arrange daily outings – these can be to Beeston for a bit of shopping, to Attenborough Nature Reserve or Wollaton Park for a stroll, to the cinema or simply for a coffee. We have access to our own mini buses but are also close to the bus and tram services.
We have regular trips further afield – out to the seaside for the day or to local music festivals. Our itinerary is planned with and around you and what you like to do.
If you would like to stretch yourself a little more we can explore local voluntary and paid employment opportunities as well as college courses
Maddie Hackney, Clinical Lead Nurse – maddie@landermeads.com / maddie.hackney@nhs.net / 0115 9225984
I qualified as a learning disability nurse in 2003 with the vision of providing nursing care that was inclusive, protects rights, enables choice and promotes independence. I remain equally passionate today and strive to ensure that our family members health and emotional needs are met.
I have two siblings, a sister who is now in her 60s who has a learning disability and Autism, and a brother who is paraplegic following a road traffic accident when we were children. I understand the difficulties faced by individuals and their families having borne witness to my parents’ anguish and concern for many years. This created a strong compassionate foundation on which my nursing principles and beliefs are based. It has also ensured empathy and understanding for family members and their relatives and the difficulties, worries and concerns they may face together. I like to consider myself as not only a health care professional but also an advocate, a voice for those who are not always heard.
Kate Fletcher, House Leader – katefletcher@landermeads.com / kate.fletcher@nhs.net / 0115 9225984
I have worked at Landermeads for 4 years and am proud to lead our unique happy home. I have progressed from Team Leader to my current role and have an in depth understanding of the hard work and passion that is needed to maintain a high standard. I pride myself on my passion for making a positive difference to the lives of each family member and am privileged to share their journeys building a special relationship with them and their loved ones.
Clinical Lead Nurse
Clinical Lead Nurse
Coming to live in one of our houses or supported living can mean leaving behind the things which have made us secure.
We believe that quality of life comes from understanding our shared vulnerability and working together as a family in which we celebrate who you are.